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Whinless Down Academy

Whinless Down Academy

Term 3

Year 4 Term 3

Key Concepts – Number – Multiplication and division

  • It is important that children do not just chant their multiplication facts but understand what they mean and how they can be used.
  • Children to know their multiplication and division facts to 12 x 12 for the Year 4 multiplication check.
  • Multiplication is commutative for any number of multiplicands. Division is not commutative
  • Children to have a strong grasp of factor pairs.
  • When multiplying two positive whole numbers, the answer will always be larger than either of the starting numbers.
  • Linking facts to our times tables ie The 4s are double 2s, 8s are double 4s and 5 x is half 10x
  • Division can be achieved through grouping and sharing
  • When you divide a whole number by another whole number, the answer will always be smaller than the original member
  • Children are able to select the correct operation and the most efficient method to answer a question
  • To partition numbers to create equivalent calculations (distributive law)

 eg 4 x 27 = 4 x (25 + 2) = (4 x 25) + (4 x 2)

Key Vocabulary





Factor pairs





Grid method




Key Concepts –Statistics

  • Children understand the purpose of using statistics
  • Children understand that continuous data that can be measured, and has an infinite number of possible answers, whereas discrete data can be counted
  • Children should know what the scale is on a chart and that it may not also be 1
  • The scale on a graph must remain divided into consistent, equal increments.
  • Graphs have specific methods of presentation which need to be adhered to – bars on a bar graph shouldn’t touch unless the data is related.
  • Questions can be written to be answered from a given set of data or a graph.
  • Children understand that data collection should be fair

Key Vocabulary









Most popular

Common Misconceptions – Multiplication and division

Children do not understand that division is not commutative and therefore place the numbers in the wrong order

Children do not take into account place value when multiplying.

Children do not use 0 as a place holder when multiplying by a power of 10.

Multiplying by a power of 10 does not just mean “adding a 0”.

Common Misconception – Data

Using the wrong graph type for the data type – discrete or continuous.

Line graphs are plotted over time on the x axis.

Scales are read incorrectly.